Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Services

Posted By admin On 04.01.20
Active1 month ago

I go to Apache24>conf>httpd and change index.html to index.php. After that i refresh Apache in services and to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and recieve the following error:

Variable and Type Related Extensions Web Services Windows Only Extensions XML Manipulation GUI Extensions Keyboard Shortcuts? This help j Next menu item k Previous menu item g p Previous man page g n. PHP 7 removes the mysql extension, leaving only the latter two options. Web Services Windows Only Extensions. The mysqli extension was introduced with PHP version 5.0.0. The MySQL Native Driver was included in PHP version.

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Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Services

phpMyAdmin- Error

The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.

Can any one help me understand this error?

Haris KhanHaris Khan

5 Answers

  1. Install php5-mysql extension by apt-get install php5-mysql command
  2. Add (near other 'extension=' lines) line to your php.ini
  3. Restart apache service by /etc/init.d/apache2 restart command

Try visiting phpmyadmin here..

instead of

Enable mysqli extension
Ajay KulalAjay Kulal
  1. Try to Uncomment this line in php.ini
  2. Restart your apache server
raju guptaraju gupta

Try to check to check your httpd-xampp config file.

Hp laserjet p1108 price. Make sure the Make sure the Php-Module conform with your current php version.

example here: IfModule php5_module

Based on your migration you are using php7, so edit all the php5_module tag in your config file to php7_module and restart the apache server.

Ebenezer OyekuEbenezer Oyeku
say version is php7.1

Install mysql from:

Then restart Apache

Ayman ElshehawyAyman Elshehawy

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phpmyadmin or ask your own question.

(PHP 5, PHP 7)


mysqli {
/* 方法 */
autocommit ( bool$mode ) : bool
publicbegin_transaction ([ int$flags = 0 [, string$name ]] ) : bool
change_user ( string$user , string$password , string$database ) : bool
close ( void ) : bool
mysqli_connect_errno ( void ) : int
connect ([ string$host = ini_get('mysqli.default_host') [, string$username = ini_get('mysqli.default_user') [, string$passwd = ini_get('mysqli.default_pw') [, string$dbname = ' [, int$port = ini_get('mysqli.default_port') [, string$socket = ini_get('mysqli.default_socket') ]]]]]] ) : void
dump_debug_info ( void ) : bool
mysqli_error_list ( mysqli$link ) : array
mysqli_field_count ( mysqli$link ) : int
get_client_info ( void ) : string
get_connection_stats ( void ) : bool
mysqli_get_proto_info ( mysqli$link ) : int
mysqli_get_server_version ( mysqli$link ) : int

Install Mysqli Extension

mysqli_info ( mysqli$link ) : string
mysqli_insert_id ( mysqli$link ) : mixed
more_results ( void ) : bool
next_result ( void ) : bool
ping ( void ) : bool
publicstaticpoll ( array&$read , array&$error , array&$reject , int$sec [, int$usec = 0 ] ) : int
query ( string$query [, int$resultmode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT ] ) : mixed
real_connect ([ string$host [, string$username [, string$passwd [, string$dbname [, int$port [, string$socket [, int$flags ]]]]]]] ) : bool
real_query ( string$query ) : bool
publicrefresh ( int$options ) : bool
rollback ( void ) : bool
publicsavepoint ( string$name ) : bool
send_query ( string$query ) : bool
mysqli_set_local_infile_default ( mysqli$link ) : void
set_local_infile_handler ( mysqli$link , callable$read_func ) : bool
ssl_set ( string$key , string$cert , string$ca , string$capath , string$cipher ) : bool
stmt_init ( void ) : mysqli_stmt
mysqli_thread_id ( mysqli$link ) : int
use_result ( void ) : mysqli_result

Table of Contents

  • mysqli::$affected_rows — Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation
  • mysqli::autocommit — 打开或关闭本次数据库连接的自动命令提交事务模式
  • mysqli::begin_transaction — Starts a transaction
  • mysqli::change_user — Changes the user of the specified database connection
  • mysqli::character_set_name — 返回当前数据库连接的默认字符编码
  • mysqli::close — 关闭先前打开的数据库连接
  • mysqli::commit — 提交一个事务
  • mysqli::$connect_errno — Returns the error code from last connect call
  • mysqli::$connect_error — Returns a string description of the last connect error
  • mysqli::__construct — Open a new connection to the MySQL server
  • mysqli::debug — Performs debugging operations
  • mysqli::dump_debug_info — 将调试信息输出到日志
  • mysqli::errno — 返回最近函数调用的错误代码
  • mysqli::$error_list — Returns a list of errors from the last command executed
  • mysqli::$error — Returns a string description of the last error
  • mysqli::$field_count — Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
  • mysqli::get_charset — Returns a character set object
  • mysqli::$client_info — 获取 MySQL 客户端信息
  • mysqli_get_client_version — 作为一个整数返回MySQL客户端的版本
  • mysqli::get_connection_stats — 返回客户端连接的统计数据
  • mysqli::$host_info — 返回一个表述使用的连接类型的字符串
  • mysqli::$protocol_version — 返回MySQL使用的协议版本号
  • mysqli::$server_info — 返回MySQL服务器的版本号
  • mysqli::$server_version — 作为一个整数返回MySQL服务器的版本
  • mysqli::get_warnings — Get result of SHOW WARNINGS
  • mysqli::$info — 返回最近执行的 SQL 语句的信息
  • mysqli::init — 初始化 MySQLi 并返回一个资源类型的值,这个值可以作为 mysqli_real_connect() 函数的传入参数
  • mysqli::$insert_id — 返回最后一条插入语句产生的自增 ID
  • mysqli::kill — 让服务器杀掉一个 MySQL 线程
  • mysqli::more_results — 检查批量查询中是否还有查询结果
  • mysqli::multi_query — 执行查询
  • mysqli::next_result — 为读取 multi_query 执行之后的下一个结果集做准备
  • mysqli::options — 设置选项
  • mysqli::ping — ping 一个连接,或者如果连接处于断开状态,重新连接
  • mysqli::poll — 轮询连接
  • mysqli::prepare — 准备执行一个 SQL 语句
  • mysqli::query — 对数据库执行一次查询
  • mysqli::real_connect — 建立一个 MySQL 服务器连接
  • mysqli::real_escape_string — 根据当前连接的字符集,对于 SQL 语句中的特殊字符进行转义
  • mysqli::real_query — 执行一个mysql查询
  • mysqli::reap_async_query — 获取异步查询的结果
  • mysqli::refresh — 刷新
  • mysqli::release_savepoint — 从当前事务的保存点中移除一个命名保存点
  • mysqli::rollback — 回退当前事务
  • mysqli::rpl_query_type — 返回 RPL 查询类型
  • mysqli::savepoint — 在当前事务中增加一个命名保存点
  • mysqli::select_db — 选择用于数据库查询的默认数据库
  • mysqli::send_query — 发送请求并返回结果
  • mysqli::set_charset — 设置默认字符编码
  • mysqli::set_local_infile_default — 取消用户指定的回调函数
  • mysqli::set_local_infile_handler — 设置 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 命令的回调函数
  • mysqli::$sqlstate — 返回上一次 SQL 操作的 SQLSTATE 错误信息
  • mysqli::ssl_set — 使用 SSL 建立到数据库之间的安全连接
  • mysqli::stat — 获取当前系统状态信息
  • mysqli::stmt_init — 初始化一条语句并返回一个用于mysqli_stmt_prepare(调用)的对象
  • mysqli::store_result — 转移上一次查询返回的结果集
  • mysqli::$thread_id — 返回当前连接的线程 ID
  • mysqli::thread_safe — 返回是否是线程安全的
  • mysqli::use_result — Initiate a result set retrieval
  • mysqli::$warning_count — Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link

Enable Mysqli Extension

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Mysqli Extension Is Missing

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Mysqli Php 7

  • Mysqli